Baker's Egerton

Brewing success with the right insurance blend

bakers small business owners who have used clear business to purchase their business insurance
Using them for our second establishment was a no-brainer. We've been with them for two years, and we couldn't be happier."
Angela Baker Owner of Baker's Egerton

Brewing success with the right insurance blend

In 2016, Jason and Angela Baker decided to pursue their dream of opening a tearoom, and guess what? They stumbled upon the ideal spot – a charming second-hand furniture shop! From there, they turned the space into an award-winning coffee shop, bar, and restaurant.

This family-run business was designed and built by the Bakers, with Jason at the heart of the renovation. Baker's Egerton now boasts three stunning floors and a beautiful outside garden area, with exciting plans to extend the bar and restaurant in the near future.

The challenge

Baker's Egerton grew massively. It was a 20-cover restaurant initially with a little showroom for local crafts. Due to demand, they extended the restaurant and now it’s currently 120 covers inside and another 100+ in the garden with a view to extending further in the future.

But, with great success comes a few bumps in the road, right? And from an insurance standpoint, this success came with its own set of challenges.

Jason and Angela had used an insurance company which cranked up the premiums. This had left the couple stuck with a policy that they didn’t fully understand and was far too expensive.

The solution

Angela started exploring other options when she came across the broker’s website. Shortly after, one of the members from our insurance team got in touch with her.

The call was unlike any other Angela had previously had with an insurance company.

"The man I spoke to was friendly and straightforward with his advice. We even ended up having a bit of a laugh," she recalled. "Even though we didn't spend ages on the phone, everything was explained so clearly, and the transaction itself was seamless. We ran through a set of questions together, and the policy we landed on covered everything we needed and at a great price."

The outcome

For Baker's Egerton, discovering them has since proved to be a highly rewarding moment in time.

Not only does the business now have a robust and affordable policy, but the couple's understanding of all matters insurance-related has sky-rocketed.

“Before switching to them, we felt like we didn’t have a thorough understanding of what different protections a policy could offer. That’s all changed now. We feel like we have all bases covered and have a level of security and knowledge that we simply didn’t have before.”

Jason and Angela were pleased with their new policy and the service they’d received from them that it wasn’t long before they made contact again.

In 2022, the couple opened their second establishment in the form of Courses by Bakers. Located at Turton Golf Club, the high-end TripAdvisor 5-star-rated restaurant needed its own insurance. Angela and Jason had only one company in mind.

"When you run a hospitality business, you really need to know what you're covered for and what you aren't, what you can do and what you can't. They make sure you have that information, get a policy that works, and that you're happy with it. Using them for our second establishment was a no-brainer. We've been with them now for two years, and we couldn't be happier."

The future

It’s clear that Jason and Angela have an extraordinary talent for creating stunning eateries and making them thrive. Don’t be surprised to see the name Bakers in lights on more streets in the years to come.

Angela knows that a helping hand along the way is invaluable. “In the future, we may decide to organise buffets and other services, but we know to check with them before branching out again. It’s advice we’d give to any other business: whatever it is you have planned, have that conversation with the insurance team and get that understanding.”

Angela Baker

Owner, Baker's Egerton



