UK Small Business Concerns Ahead of General Election: How Clear Business Can Help

There’s nothing like a general election to make us all think about how we can improve our future prospects – especially when you’re running your own business. Whoever you vote for, at Clear Business we’re championing the small business manifesto for essential business services.

uk small business owner looking concerned about the upcoming general election

52% of UK small businesses express concerns ahead of general election

With just 7 days to go until the general election a recent survey of UK SMEs shows that over half are not particularly optimistic about the impact the result will have on their own business.

They highlighted key concerns as:

· Keeping on top of cash flow/cash flow forecasting (53%)

· Expanding into new products or revenue streams (36%)

· Reducing business overheads (35%)

· Getting paid faster (26%)

· Investing in new technology/software (18%)

Here at Clear Business, we can help you tackle some of those items on your ‘worry’ list. As an essential services provider to over 130,000 UK small businesses, we know small businesses well.

Keep on top of cash flow/cash flow forecasting

Our payment services enable small business owners to accelerate cash flow and turbocharge their business. By managing cash flow effectively, our customers don’t have to wait up to five days for card transactions to reach their bank account. With faster payments, they can have the money where it should be by the next business day, improving overall cash flow management.

Turbocharging cash flow at Comfyland

Comfyland's previous payment terminal only deposited funds weekly, causing cash flow issues for the busy retailer. We provided Ali with an affordable solution that deposits funds within 24 hours. Ali, the owner, says, "Clear Business rates are great, the devices are user-friendly, and it's the fastest way to access customer payments."

Expand into new revenue streams and invest in new technology with a small business finance loan

Our partnership with YouLend means we also offer flexible financing to grow small businesses. We know that positive cash flow is the lifeblood of all businesses to help business growth. Many of our small business owners have been flexing their finances with this new cash advance business loan scheme. Access funding up to £1,000,0002 to grow your business and pay back when you make money3. Simple.

Reduce your business overheads

Unlock significant savings and streamline your operations by bundling all your essential services with Clear Business. Whether it's energy, water, or telecoms, consolidating with us means more time and money for your business in the short term and long term.

You don’t need to spend hours switching providers either. Clear Business dedicated team makes switching easy, from identifying your requirements to helping you install your equipment, it couldn’t be simpler.

Plus, we even cover your current provider's exit fees4 to ensure a seamless transition. Let's chat today about how we can boost your bottom line help with your business plans and simplify your business management.

Streamlining services in one place for IDOM

IDOM initially turned to us for water services at the Stirling office. Impressed by our customer service, they expanded services to include electricity for both the Manchester and Stirling offices.

Claire, the owner says, "It’s been a great service from start to finish. I thought it would make sense to have it all managed in one place, so I moved more services over to Clear Business."

Ready to wave goodbye to your worries?

As the general election approaches, many UK SMEs are feeling uncertain. But with Clear Business by your side, you can tackle those cash flow, overhead, and growth challenges head-on.

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