If your mobile phone is lost or stolen, please call our 24 hour emergency helpline on 0330 041 5381.
In the event of an emergency you should call us immediately on 0333 014 3131 or call the wholesaler in your local area directly.
The wholesaler in your area can be found on any invoice, or in your welcome pack. Alternatively log in to Customer Zone for your supply information. If you have multiple sites, the wholesaler for the area is detailed against each individual site on your invoice.
If you smell gas, call National Grid immediately on 0800 111 999. They are responsible for the safety of your gas supply.
If there is an emergency with your electricity supply, call 105. They can also provide information on power outages in your area. If your meter is sparking, smoking or smells of burning then call 105 immediately to get advice on what to do. Do not attempt to fix the problem yourself as electricity can be very dangerous.
If you suspect someone of committing energy fraud, click below.