1 At the time of writing, most small businesses in Wales are not yet eligible to switch. However, large businesses using vast quantities of water - up to 50 million litres per annum - may qualify.
2 Clear Business Water Limited, is part of Verastar Limited, to which over 55,000 Scottish Water customers have switched since 2013.
3 If you’re offered a better deal within 30 days of transferring to Clear Business, just send us the full details by email to pricepromise@clearbusiness.co.uk and we’ll BEAT that price or allow you to cancel without charge. You’ll need to pay for the services provided during your time with us. Competitor’s offer must be for the same services and include prices for all service types, any applicable meter type, water usage, waste water usage and property and highways drainage
4 Savings calculated based on the average annual projected saving of all Scottish Water customers who signed up to Clear Business from 1st August 2022-31st August 2023, regardless of tariff and contract length. Comparison versus the Business Water Default Maximum tariff as set by the Water Industry Commission for Scotland.