We're here to help.
Find everything you need about individual services below, or scroll further to find out how we can help with general queries and issues regarding your small business.
Christmas opening hours
Our customer service team deserves a little rest and festive cheer. While they’re recharging with some well-earned time off, they’ll still be around. Here’s when you can reach us over the holidays:
If you have an emergency during this time, like a lost or stolen mobile or a utility issue, emergency lines will still be open. Click here to find the emergency contact details.
Energy help
Energy fraud, fuel mix, how to switch, FAQs and more.
Water help
Deemed contracts, charity exemption, new properties, FAQs and more.
Telecoms help
Care Levels, keeping your phone number, how to switch, FAQs and more.
Payments help
Getting started, integration guides and FAQs.
Business insurance help
Public liability, employers' liability, product liability, legal expenses, business interruption insurance, cyber insurance, how to make a claim, FAQs and more.
What's going on...?
To keep things simple, we’ll share any service updates here. So, if we know there’s a problem with a water supply in or a power outage, you’ll know what’s going on. If you need to report an issue call us on 0333 014 3131 or use the Live Chat function.

Moving premises?
If you’re moving premises we’re here to help you every step of the way.
We make life simple for small businesses like you. You can now complete a Change of Tenancy Form via our Live Chat. Click below to speak to us or find out more.
Got a complaint?
We will always try and do everything we can to ensure that our customers are happy. We want to make sure that any issues are resolved quickly. The best way for us to resolve your complaint quickly is to call us on 0333 014 3131 and speak to our Customer Care team. If you can’t call us, you can use our Live Chat service.

If you have an emergency we’re here to help. Whether it's water, energy or telecoms contact us immediately on 0333 014 3131 or use our Live Chat service.
Financial difficulty
The increase in energy bills and the cost-of-living crisis has affected everyone – especially small businesses. But we have lots of ways we can support you and your business.
If you’re struggling to pay, speak to one of our experienced payment specialists as soon as you can on 0333 014 3131.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?
If your answer hasn’t been answered above and you want to report an issue then you can chat to us online between the hours of 9.30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Click the Live Chat button at the bottom right of the screen now.
If you are a business insurance customer please contact us on 0161 968 2030.
If you have energy, water or telecoms with us you can log faults through our online space, Customer Zone, as well view bills from the last 36 months.
If you still need to speak to one of our friendly team, our customer service lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm.
You can also use our Live Chat function, which you can find at the bottom of your screen.