Water help

You world doesn't always revolve around the 9-5 or even 8-6. Sometimes you don't want to have to call us to make payments, set up a Direct Debit or submit a meter read. So don't. Our self-serve portal - Customer Zone - enables you to do the things you need at a time that suits you.

We're here to give small businesses the essential services they need, when they need them. Simple.

Find the help you need below, or use Live Chat to ask your questions.

Water deemed contracts

If you have not agreed a formal contract with us but we are supplying your water services, then you have a deemed contract with us.

Why would you be a deemed customer?

You may be a deemed customer either because your premises have been identified as a Gap Site and allocated to us. Alternatively, you may have recently moved into a premises where we already provide the water services. Find more information on Gap Sites below.

What does this mean for your contract with Clear Business?

As a Deemed Customer, you are supplied under our Standard Terms and Conditions which can be found here. and your services are charged at our Default Tariff. For customers in Scotland, your current Default Tariff effective 2023-2024 can be found here. To see your Default Tariff effective 1st April 2024 click here. For customers in England, the Default Tariff for your area can be found on your Customer Zone.

If you would like to discuss the contracts and discounts available with us, please contact us on 0333 014 3131.

Water Gap sites

A Gap Site is a non-domestic premises that is connected to the water network with water, wastewater or drainage services and is yet to be registered. This means that although it’s connected to the water and sewerage system, it hasn't been billed by a Licensed Provider. This is because there are no records held for the property.

Gap Sites commonly fall into the following categories:

- A single premises is split into two or more premises, or multiple premises are merged into one.

- A premises has been connected to the water and/or waste water network without being registered with the water wholesaler.

What to do if you have been identified as a Gap Site?

Water wholesalers and Licensed Providers are in the process of discovering sites that are not listed on their databases. Gap Sites are identified and notified of the registration process. The occupier will then be charged for the water services supplied from the date the premises was identified as a Gap Site.

What options are available?

Once notified, the occupier must choose a Licensed Provider within 15 working days. If no provider is selected within that time frame, you will be allocated to one of several providers.

What to do if I have been allocated to Clear Business water?

Once your premises has been allocated to us, you will be entered on to our system and placed on the Default Tariff. From there, we are then able to discuss your business water needs to find the best deal for you.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Our self-serve portal, Customer Zone enables you to simply and quickly do the things you need at a time that suits you. You can view your invoices from the last 36 months, submit a meter read, set up or amend your Direct Debit, make a payment, update your contact details and much more.

Charity Exemption Scheme (Scotland only)

Are you a registered charity or a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC)? If so, you may be exempt from water and wastewater charges.

The charity exemption scheme provides some charities and CASCs with exemption from water and waste water bills. The Scottish Government Water and Sewerage Charges Exemption Scheme is administered by Scottish Water - on behalf of the Scottish Government.

How it works

Charities whose annual turnover is less than £300,000 per year, are eligible for full exemption on their water charges. Charities whose turnover is over £200k but less than £300k can still get 50% off their water charges. Eligible charities must also not meet any of the following conditions:

- They are a charity shop or a premises used for the retailing of new or second hand merchandise.

- They hold a permanent licence to sell alcohol at the premises.

- They operate as a café, open to the public on a regular basis to generate income. This doesn’t include canteens provided for volunteers.

- They are a Local Authority or an Arms-Length External Organisation (ALEO), used by councils to deliver services.

  • OSCR registered Women's Aid charities where the property is used, at least in part, as accommodation.

- Eligible organisations can apply by downloading the application form.

Water switching process

Switching to water from us is simple.


Once you agree your contract, we will check the Supply Point Identification Details (SPIDs) for your premises.

Order placed

We'll get to work: process your contract, place the orders and send you a contract pack. If you change your mind, you have 7 days from point of agreeing your contract to cancel.

The switch

After 7 days, you order will be progressed and you will officially move to Clear Business.

Meter reads

Once your supply transfers, we’ll be in touch with you for a meter read. If your meter is outside, we’ll arrange a meter reader to come and do this for you. You just need to tell us if it is.

Transfer complete

The transfer to Clear Business usually takes between 21-28 days. We’ll let you know the transfer date when we have it.

Don't forget

If you’ve chosen online billing, you’ll need to register for Customer Zone. We’ll send you an email each month so you know your bills are available online to view

Frequently asked questions

Looking for a little assistance with your Clear Business energy service? 

Find the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers below. If you are unable to find your answer, please contact our Customer Service team on 0333 014 3131. 

Switching Supplier

Meter Read

Emergencies and supply interruptions


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